
Major Auto Parts Retailer AutoZone Alerts Customers of Potentially Massive MOVEit Data Breach

US auto parts retailer Autozone has announced a data breach involving unauthorized access to its MoveIt file-sharing system. The incident potentially impacts customer and employee information, including names, addresses, and social security numbers. Autozone is working closely with law enforcement and cybersecurity experts to investigate and resolve the issue.



Did you know that AutoZone, the leading retailer and distributor of automotive spare parts and accessories in the U.S., experienced a data breach earlier this year? With over 7,000 shops across the U.S., Brazil, Mexico, and Puerto Rico and a whopping $17.5 billion in annual revenue, AutoZone is no small target for cybercriminals. In fact, their online shop gets around 35 million visitors per month, according to stats.

The Breach: How It Happened

Earlier this year, the infamous Clop ransomware gang exploited a zero-day vulnerability in the MOVEit file transfer system to breach thousands of organizations worldwide. This led to double extortion and data leaks, impacting millions of people. AutoZone was one of the unfortunate victims, with data from 184,995 people being compromised in the breach.

In a notification sent to U.S. authorities, AutoZone explained: “AutoZone became aware that an unauthorized third party exploited a vulnerability associated with MOVEit and exfiltrated certain data from an AutoZone system that supports the MOVEit application.” It wasn’t until August 15, 2023, that AutoZone determined the extent of the data breach and began notifying those affected.

What Kind of Data Was Compromised?

While the letter sample AutoZone shared with authorities had censored details on the type of data compromised, a listing on the Office of the Maine Attorney General states that “full names” and “social security numbers” were among the data leaked. AutoZone has provided identity theft protection services for those affected and advises them to remain vigilant for the next 24 months, reporting any suspicious incidents to the authorities.

What Happened to the Stolen Data?

The Clop ransomware gang took responsibility for the attack on AutoZone and published all data they claimed to have stolen on July 7, 2023. The leaked data, which is around 1.1GB in size, includes employee names, email addresses, parts supply details, tax information, payroll documents, Oracle database files, store information, and production and sales data. Thankfully, it appears that no customer data was leaked in the breach.

It’s estimated that the Clop ransomware gang will receive over $75 million in extortion payments from companies impacted by the MOVEit data theft attacks. In July, Emsisoft reported that over 77 million people had their data exposed.

Stay Informed and Stay Safe

We reached out to AutoZone for more information about the incident and whether the leaked dataset is genuine. As soon as we receive a response, we will update this post. In the meantime, it’s important for all of us to stay informed about cybersecurity threats and take steps to protect our personal data.

Don’t let yourself become a victim of a data breach. Stay up-to-date on the latest cybersecurity news by following IT Services and learn how to protect yourself and your information. Together, we can fight back against cybercriminals and protect our most valuable assets.

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