
FBCS Collection Agency Skyrockets Data Breach Count to a Whopping 3.2 Million People

Data breach at collection agency FBCS affects 32 million people as hackers steal personal data, including names, addresses, and payment information. Protect your identity and financial information with these essential security tips. Stay vigilant and stay safe from cyber threats.



Picture this: you’re sitting at home, enjoying a peaceful evening when suddenly, you receive a notification on your phone about a data breach. Your heart sinks as you realize that your personal information is now in the hands of cybercriminals. This is precisely the situation that over 3.2 million people in the U.S. found themselves in recently, after a data breach at debt collection agency Financial Business and Consumer Solutions (FBCS) occurred in February.

Who is FBCS, and what happened?

FBCS is a nationally licensed debt collection agency in the U.S. They specialize in collecting unpaid debts from various sources, including consumer credit, healthcare, commercial, auto loans and leases, student loans, and utilities. In late April, the company reported a data breach that affected approximately 1.9 million people in the U.S. However, according to a supplemental notice submitted to the Office of the Maine AG, the total number of people impacted has now risen to a staggering 3,226,631.

What kind of information was compromised?

It’s not just the sheer number of people affected that’s alarming; it’s also the type of sensitive information that was exposed. The unauthorized actors had access to:

  • Full name
  • Social Security Number (SSN)
  • Date of birth
  • Account information
  • Driver’s license number or ID card

How are the affected individuals being informed?

Starting on May 29, new data breach notifications were sent out to those affected by this incident, informing them of the heightened risks and the actions they should take. Unfortunately, this information comes with a three-month delay, which could have potentially given cybercriminals a head start in exploiting the stolen data.

On the bright side, the notice recipients are being offered a free 24-month credit monitoring and identity restoration service via CyEx. This should provide some reassurance and assistance in case their identities are compromised.

What should affected individuals do?

People impacted by this data breach should be on high alert for phishing, fraud, and social engineering attacks. It’s crucial to be cautious with communications and monitor bank account activity closely. Stay vigilant and don’t fall for scams that prey on the fear and urgency created by data breaches.

What is FBCS doing to prevent future breaches?

To their credit, FBCS assures customers that they are now using a separate environment built from the ground up with stronger security measures to prevent similar breaches in the future. However, they haven’t shared any details about the nature of this cybersecurity incident, and no ransomware or data extortion groups have claimed responsibility for the attack.

Stay informed, stay protected

As your trusted IT Services provider, we’re here to help you navigate the ever-changing landscape of cybersecurity threats. Don’t wait for a data breach to take action – reach out to us today to learn more about protecting your personal information and staying ahead of cybercriminals. Together, we can safeguard your digital life and ensure a more secure future.

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