
Critical Leak: Mercedes-Benz Source Code Vulnerability due to Improper GitHub Token Management

A mismanaged GitHub token exposed Mercedes-Benz source code, including sensitive data of over 580 Git repositories, potentially allowing unauthorized access to proprietary information. The German automaker has since revoked access, but the incident underscores the importance of securing GitHub tokens to prevent inadvertent exposure of sensitive data.



If you’ve ever dreamt of owning a luxurious Mercedes-Benz, you’d want to know that your car’s software is as secure as it can be. But, what if I told you that the prestigious German carmaker recently had a major cybersecurity blunder? Let me explain.

Mercedes-Benz’s cybersecurity hiccup

On September 29, 2023, researchers at RedHunt Labs discovered a GitHub token in a public repository belonging to a Mercedes-Benz employee. This token granted unrestricted access to the company’s internal GitHub Enterprise Server, which contained the source code for all of their vehicle software.

To put it simply, this was a huge oversight. With access to the source code, hackers could scrutinize the code for potential vulnerabilities in vehicle systems, and competitors could reverse-engineer proprietary technology. Moreover, the exposure of API keys could lead to unauthorized data access, service disruption, and abuse of the company’s infrastructure for malicious purposes.

What has been done to fix the issue?

Thankfully, with help from TechCrunch, Mercedes-Benz was informed of the token leak on January 22, 2024, and promptly revoked it two days later. This blocked access to anyone who may have been abusing it. The company has also stated that customer data was not affected as their current analysis shows.

However, Mercedes-Benz isn’t the only automaker to have experienced such a security mishap. In October 2022, Toyota revealed that personal customer information had been publicly accessible for five years due to an exposed GitHub access key. Yikes!

Why you should care

While Mercedes-Benz has taken steps to rectify the issue, this incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of cybersecurity. As more and more of our lives become digitized, the potential impact of cyber attacks and data breaches is only increasing.

So, what can you do to protect yourself? Stay informed! Keep coming back to learn more about the latest cybersecurity news, trends, and best practices. Together, we can help ensure a safer, more secure digital world for everyone.

Got a question or concern about cybersecurity? Feel free to reach out to us! Our team of IT Services experts is always here to help you navigate the ever-evolving world of digital security.

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